SOSR - MAYhem smashup.

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Joined: Wed 27 Apr 2016, 4:45 am

SOSR - MAYhem smashup.

Postby Fluffy » Mon 07 May 2018, 4:45 pm

Firstly I dunno if I'm allowed to post this but if you like doing banger racing here Street Obsessions is running a smashup on May 27th 2018 @ 18:00 BST. Come show other LFS drivers how this community does bangers. (apologies for the bb tags if they persist too)

[align=center]SOSR - RACE 2 - MAYhem (Banger-ish racing)[/align]
27/05/2018 @ 18:00 BST (19:00 / 20:00 in various parts of the EU)

No sign-up needed, join Street Obsessions Racing on the night to join![/align]


Feel like getting some aggression out on LFS drivers? Or just trying your hand at derby style races. This SOSR event is for you, crash bash or race your way to the finish line.

Its up to you to figure out how you'll race in ever adapting, chaotic environments with
our next race being a harp to the cheaper, more destructive form of motorsport, banger racing. With this one bringing some LFS Adaptations of races from the classic destruction derby game, Driven To Destruction *(Test Drive; Eve of Destruction in some countries)*

The cars being used for this event are the GTi classification of cars (XFG+XRG)

Of course no banger race wouldn't be complete without the normal Oval Races, our oval for this race being a 85% gravel 15% Road oval.

In the spoilers I've put pictures of each track with a description of what they are (At the bottom of the post)


1. "The only places where WW is allowed are marked with red chalk i.e. corners." (No WW allowed in JUMP races)

2. Pinning, blocking or intentionally preventing a driver from racing in a fair manner for a significant amount of time is not allowed.

3. Races will only restart if there is lag on first lap of a race.

4. No changing of cars allowed at any time during the meeting.

5. Passengers are not allowed in cars at any time in the meeting. (Additional Weight is banned)

6. You must go forward at the start of a race. Any intentional braking on grid or reversing off grid is not allowed (this does not include the DD).

7. No pitting and rejoining any races.

8. You must spec in the DD if you are either rolled or your clutch dies.

9. No constantly turning around to re-do the fig 8 in fig 8 races

10. In any race that isnt the DD if you roll you dont have to pit or spec, you are able to be unflipped by other cars, same goes for clutch death in anything that isnt the DD, if your clutch dies in a race (non DD) you can stay on the track.

11. No cheats, hacks, VOB mods and crash mods at ANY time.

12. Pitting or spectating at ANY TIME during a race is an instant DNF from that heat.

Races will be ran in the following order;

OVAL ROUND 1 - 10 laps - Approx 7m
OVAL ROUND 2 - 10 laps - Approx 7m
FIG 8 ROUND 1 - 10 laps - Approx 10m
FIG 8 ROUND 2 - 10 laps - Approx 10m
SUICIDE RACE ROUND 1 ( 10 laps - Approx 5 min)
SUICIDE RACE ROUND 2 ( 10 laps - Approx 5 min)
JUMP RACE ROUND 1 - 10 laps ( approx 7 min)
JUMP RACE ROUND 2 - 10 laps ( approx 7 min)
JUMP RACE ROUND 3 - 10 laps ( approx 7 min)
JUMP RACE FINAL - 15 laps (approx 10 min)
OVAL FINAL - 15 laps - Approx 10m
FIG 8 FINAL - 15 laps - approx 15m
SUICIDE RACE FINAL - 15 laps (Approx 10 min)
DEMOLITION DERBY - Last man standing or 30m dependant

Approx 2hr 10m of racing accross all rounds.

[align=center]The Oval[/align]

What can be said about the classic oval? You go around it in a clockwise direction to win, the only hard part with this one is the gravel to tar to gravel switch. Watch out on the corners between the red chalk, drivers are allowed to wrong way there.

[align=center]The Whip Round Race[/align]

This track is a stretched and halved figure 8 in a sense, if it was squashed back together with glue it'd be a figure 8, this one however has an entry ramp on one side and an exit on the other, the middle, mainly ramps, find your own way through and avoid other cars coming the opposite direction. Easy right?




[align=center]The figure 8.[/align]

Much like the oval I cannot say much to it, its a plain fan classic, like the oval but it crosses in the middle to make a 8 shape that drivers must race across.



[align=center]The Jump Race.[/align]

Our clear favourite here at Street Obsessions, the jump race is set on full dirt around a curcuit inspired by Driven To Destruction's Woodley Jump Race configuration. Everywhere is a spin opportunity and rolls a-plenty if you pit someone across a ramp.

Suspension needs to be soft too for the cushioned landings.






[align=center]The Demolition Derby Arena[/align]
A simple DD arena, cars can be totalled by rolling them over the armcos at every corner. Good luck.

I'll be running a few jump race sprints tonight as well on Street Dedicated! Come join!

Posts: 31
Joined: Wed 27 Apr 2016, 4:45 am

Re: SOSR - MAYhem smashup.

Postby Fluffy » Sun 27 May 2018, 5:14 pm


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