Abandonment of 29/04/16 BWS Round 3

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Abandonment of 29/04/16 BWS Round 3

Postby Jon#606 » Fri 29 Apr 2016, 9:25 pm

Hello everyone.

This is the first time in many years I've had to abandon a meeting but what was happening tonight was resulting in no fun for anybody.

For those who were unaware, the first three heats of the Banger World Series Round 3 at Yarmouth ran perfectly with 15 drivers in total racing. The lining up did take a bit longer than usual due to the barriers being opened and closed, but this didn't affect anything significantly.

At approximately 8:30pm, as Heat 4 was about to start, I got disconnected. Unlike in previous weeks ( :lol: ) this was not a PC issue on my end but rather an internet problem. This was confirmed when I received the "Username is already online" error upon my attempted rejoin.

Unbeknown to me, everyone else was being disconnected as the server crashed. Despite Looney's best efforts, the server kept crashing when it was rebooted and this made running the meeting impossible; this was evidenced by it immediately dying after Heat 4 had finished. At this point I decided to abandon the meeting as it would not be fair to continue with it during this period of trouble.

Consequently, the meeting will be completely re-run on Tuesday 3rd May at 8:00pm. I apologise if you were able to race tonight but cannot race on Tuesday, but using any results from this evening would not be fair on the rest of the league.

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Re: Abandonment of 29/04/16 BWS Round 3

Postby rik#997 » Mon 02 May 2016, 3:54 pm

3 heats did go well, talking about fair.... :shock:
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